#define MESSAGE_LOC "Microsoft Visual FoxPro" #define ERRORTITLE_LOC "Microsoft Visual FoxPro" #define ERRORMESSAGE_LOC ; "Error #" + alltrim(str(m.nError)) + " in " + m.cMethod + ; " (" + alltrim(str(m.nLine)) + "): " + m.cMessage #define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 48 #define MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 2 #define MB_OK 0 #DEFINE MB_YESNO 4 && Yes and No buttons #DEFINE IDYES 6 && Yes button pressed * These are the countries and regions to enable DBCS: Japan, Korea, PRC, Taiwan #DEFINE DBCS_LOC "81 82 86 88" #DEFINE NUM_AFIELDS 16 && number of columns in AFIELDS array #DEFINE DT_MEMO "M" #DEFINE DT_GENERAL "G" #DEFINE TAGDELIM " *" #DEFINE BMP_LOCAL "dblview.bmp" #DEFINE BMP_REMOTE "dbrview.bmp" #DEFINE BMP_TABLE "dbtable.bmp" #DEFINE C_FREETABLE_LOC "Free Tables" #DEFINE C_MAXFIELDS_LOC "The maximum number of fields to sort by is " #DEFINE C_NOTAG_LOC "You cannot combine index tags and fields." #DEFINE C_READONLY_LOC "File is read-only and not allowed by this application. Please select another." #DEFINE E_BADDBCTABLE_LOC "The table selected does not have a valid backlink to its DBC. "+; "You can fix this with the VALIDATE DATABASE RECOVER command." #DEFINE C_TPROMPT_LOC "Select file to open:" #DEFINE C_READ2_LOC "File is used exclusively by another." #DEFINE C_READ3_LOC "File is in use. Select another." #DEFINE C_READ4_LOC "The DBF is part of a DBC. Select table from DBC container."